python libraries.

What is a Module?

A module is same as a code library. A file containing a set of functions you want to include in your application. you can also define variables, objects and dictionaries in them. you can save a module with .py extension. a module can be used in your program using import keyword. there are several ways to use import. Let us see example below.



Save this code in a file named

def hello(name):
  print("Hello : " + name)
Now use the module we just created, by using the import statement
import mymoduleexample
mymoduleexample.hello("Vijay Singh")  # syntax to acess module methods: module_name.function_name.
The module can  also contain variables of all types (lists, dictionaries, objects etc) see below example

Save below code in the file

employee1 = {

now you can Import the module named mymoduleexample, and access the employee1 dictionary:

import mymoduleexample

place = mymodule.employee1["country"]
You can create an alias of module when you import a module, by using the as keyword


Create an alias for mymoduleexample called my_ex:

import mymoduleexample as my_ex

a = my_ex.employee1["name"]